Information Management/HR (IM/HR) has a long track record of delivering comprehensive HR IT Systems for the University of Iowa. The university’s core PeopleSoft HR System has been reliable and well maintained, and Enterprise HR and Workflow Systems have been used daily by UI Faculty and Staff for 17 years. Information Technology is strategically and operationally essential to Human Resources at the UI and UI Health Care; in addition, recent campus surveys and feedback reflect a significant interest in new complex HR Systems, functions, and integrations.
This spring, UI leadership created an HR Task Force that was charged with assessing and recommending strategies and priorities for central HR functions supporting the UI and UI Health Care. The HR Task Force developed 24 key findings and recommendations focused on strategic partnerships, enhanced IT and data, talent management, and balancing standardization with flexibility.
Among recommendations related to governance and structure, the HR Task Force advised centralizing HR IT teams and processes. Based on this recommendation, the entire Information Management/Human Resources (IM/HR) workgroup is transitioning into ITS Administrative Information Systems.
IM/HR will continue to focus on ensuring the continuous, effective delivery of systems, and on building strong, collaborative relationships with customers throughout the UI and UI Health Care. In addition to supporting those efforts, this organizational change will strengthen cross-workgroup collaboration and cooperation, improve governance and prioritization, and reinforce the workgroup’s focus on providing outstanding technical solutions.
The IM/HR workgroup will continue to be located in University Services Building with University Human Resources. Mike Kaplan and Angie Bell will have a dual report to Mike Noel, Senior Director for ITS Administrative Information Systems, and Cheryl Reardon, who was appointed Chief Human Resources Officer and will assume this new role in mid-October.
IT and HR leadership believes this is a good strategic move by the university and is excited about the opportunities it presents. Significant changes are not expected in the short term, though over time the new arrangement may provide opportunities for further improvements. Please support the staff through the transition period and be patient as details of the change are worked out, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Cheryl Reardon or Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer Steve Fleagle with any comments or concerns.