17,230 students
saved an average of $144 in the ICON Direct electronic textbook program in the 2020-21 academic year
In the 2020-21 academic year, 17,230 students saved an average of $144 in the ICON Direct program. The program has already served 15,655 students in the 2021-22 academic year.
UI Instructors have participated in TILE faculty development
The faculty development component of the TILE (Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage) Program is internationally recognized for its support of instructors transforming teaching practices through lively interaction, active learning, and faculty/student engagement. More than 10 years since its inception, over 500 UI instructors have participated in TILE faculty development, which now consists of TILE Essentials—a two-part workshop focused on active-learning pedagogies in TILE classrooms.

25 years of transformative work

Etextbook program saves students $5 million

Making better introductions
50 Million
files transferred with the Research Data Collaborative Service
In 2021, Iowa’s 82 Research Data Collaboration Service (RDCS) users transferred 50 million files—324 terabytes of data.
Student accounts supported by the Interactive Data Analytics Service
During 2021, IDAS supported 34 classes and 934 student accounts. Course instructors typically use IDAS tools for in-class demonstrations, assignments, and exams.

Wrangling big data
25 %
of ITS staff are on campus
Some critical IT roles—such as hands-on technical support and installation and maintenance of equipment and key IT infrastructure—continue to be performed on campus.
300 +
IT professionals join the monthly CIO Listening Posts
Monthly online CIO Listening Posts continue to attract strong crowds of 300 to 350 as a venue for employees to ask questions and cover topics such as health and safety, campus updates, and employee recognition. To date, 41 forums have been held, where nearly 350 staff questions were answered and almost 700 “shout outs” were delivered for a job well done.
25 %
of ITS staff are fully remote
Some roles can be done effectively from afar with the help of video conferencing and collaboration tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
78 %
increase in participation in training offered by the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology
Participation in training offered by the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology (OTLT) increased by 78 percent from 2019, when it was all in-person, to 2021, when it was offered online (from 203 to 362 people). Additionally, feedback on quality from attendees in the online events is equal to in-person events. OTLT also offers one-on-one consultations for instructors to improve their teaching and classroom experience. Beginning July 1, 2021, instructors were given a choice of online consultation via Zoom, or a face-to-face meeting. Thirty-four out of 40 (85%) chose online over in-person.
50 %
of ITS staff split their time between home and university workspaces
After a successful pilot of the various work arrangements, university administration gave ITS permission to make remote and hybrid work part of its normal operations. The business rationale for this decision included significant demand and competition for IT professionals.
attendees at the first online Tech Forum
Employee engagement has been a focus throughout the pandemic. OneIT held its first online Tech Forum for university IT professionals in 2021, drawing 450 attendees per day across two half-days of programming. Participation in project roadmap review sessions is better than ever, and employees have launched interest-specific spaces in Microsoft Teams to simulate water cooler chat. A conversation partners program is being piloted to foster informal conversation and build relationships.

Shaping the future of work
university websites adopted the new UI brand
university websites
adopted the new UI brand
As Iowa embraced a new brand, the web team supported brand deployment across campus by developing Sitenow v3, an on-brand low-code/no-code site-building platform for use by its web partners. By the end of the year, more than 600 university websites had adopted the new brand, with upwards of 400 building on the Sitenow v3 platform. In 2021 alone, the relaunched sites included the undergraduate admissions website, five college websites, and numerous other high-profile websites critical to the university’s mission.
UI website managers are using SiteImprove
to enhance nearly a thousand campus websites.
In 2020, the UI deployed Siteimprove, a tool to continuously monitor for new and emergent search engine optimization, as well as quality and accessibility issues.

Building better websites
3.9 Million
pageviews on the ITS website in 2021 a 15% increase in traffic over the previous year
The ITS website, packed with information about IT services and how-to content, is one of the most heavily used websites on campus. Increased promotion of the IT service alerts page fueled a dramatic 800% spike in traffic as more individuals visited the site to check on the status of key services.
hours of service logged by ITS' 66 student employees
hours of service logged by ITS' 66 student employees
OneIT and its customers rely on the skills and talents of student employees for a host of tasks—taking calls at the Help Desk, working on websites, maintaining and installing equipment, performing administrative tasks, and much more. Many of these students use their IT work experience to land great jobs after graduation, including some who find positions within the UI.
ports in over 90 different buildings were replaced to enhance internet connections.
A reliable internet connection is essential, and a recently completed project replaced the technology behind every wired ethernet port on campus. The completion of this project improves the reliability of computers connecting to wired network ports and boosts the performance of campus wireless services. It also significantly decreases the risk of a cybersecurity incident and paves the way for future enhancements.
phone lines retired due to the Skype for Business conversion completion
In recent years, OneIT and HCIS have partnered to convert traditional phone lines to Skype for Business, which uses the internet to make calls and offers users a host of improved features such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and integrations with other Microsoft tools. They recently reached a milestone in completing that conversion, which involved 10,300 Skype for Business users.
Windows devices migrated in the UI's device-management system to enhance security
The UI manages thousands of computers and other devices, ensuring that systems and software are up to date and monitored for security issues. OneIT migrated more than 16,000 Windows devices to a centralized group in its device-management system, enabling IT professionals to simplify and speed up patching for security vulnerabilities and improve response times to evolving threats.
96 %
of customers were satisfied or totally satisfied with ITS Help Desk services. A 3.4% increase from the previous year.
Customers of the Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk reported increased satisfaction during the pandemic. The Help Desk asks customers to rate their experience from “totally satisfied” (5) to “totally dissatisfied” (1). ITS examined whether there were changes in customer satisfaction as many IT professionals transitioned to fully or partly remote work arrangements during the pandemic, using 2019 as a baseline year and comparing it to July 2020 to September 2021.