Accountable Leaders:
Zach Furst, chief information security officer, and Katie Kahler, chief of staff
How we'll accomplish our goal
Objectives and Strategies
*Tactics labeled with (SP) indicate they are in direct support of UI Data SPARC year two tactics.
1. Continue to build the OneIT identity, both internally and externally.
- Define and communicate the OneIT culture, focusing on a sense of belonging, acceptance, and collaboration.
Year 1 Tactics
- Draft and agree on language and visuals explaining OneIT and its relationship with Health Care Information Systems. [Nicole Dahya, Ops Team, CIOs]Incorporate the language/graphics consistently throughout IT-related websites and other internal and external communications. [Comms Team]
- Provide talking points to OneIT Leaders to use in explaining the concepts. [Nicole Dahya]
- Provide this information to new hires. [Comms Team, HR, supervisors]
- Explore creating a video to illustrate the concept of OneIT. [Comms Team]
- Publish new OneIT Success Stories. [Comms Team]
- Explore and plan for an online store with OneIT-branded attire. [Comms Team]
- Complete OneIT Intranet service review and begin to incorporate recommendations. [Comms Team, ITPMO]
- Continue to promote OneIT Conversation Partners and explore opportunities to expand. [Belonging Committee/IT Social Committee].
- Promote IT communities and encourage involvement, especially among new hires. [Comms Team, HR Team, Managers]
- Establish a joint social committee with Health Care Information Systems to promote relationship-building through events. [CIOs, committee members]
- Increase awareness of UI Brand Site and encourage use of OneIT templates [Comms Team]
Year 2 Tactics
- Provide examples to illustrate typical scenarios and lifecycle. [Lance Bolton and IT Leaders]
- Note in service catalog where each service fits in the framework. [Lance Bolton and IT Leaders]
- Identify service levels for each type of service. [Lance Bolton and IT Leaders]
B. Develop and promote standard definitions of core, common, and unique IT Services.
Year 1 Tactics
- Provide examples to illustrate typical scenarios and lifecycle. [Lance Bolton and IT Leaders]
- Note in service catalog where each service fits in the framework. [Lance Bolton and IT Leaders]
- Identify service levels for each type of service. [Lance Bolton and IT Leaders]
2. Gain, train, and retain exceptional professionals to support the university and its communities in advancing the university mission.
- Investigate a unified OneIT recruitment model to standardize equitable and inclusive hiring practices across all teams.
Year 1 Tactics
- Define the model. [Human Resources Team]
- Understand how other areas currently do recruiting. [Human Resources Team]
- Develop a change-management plan. [Human Resources Team]
- Promote the role of Technical Recruiter. [Human Resources Team]
B. Implement processes to ensure backup coverage for critical tasks to increase resiliency, support of skills training necessary for emerging technologies, and capacity planning.
Year 1 Tactics
- Develop a checklist of considerations and identify single points of knowledge. [OneIT Leaders.]
- Prioritize and develop strategies to address the most critical gaps. [OneIT Leaders.]
- Develop action plans for mitigating the most immediate risks. [OneIT Leaders.]
Year 2 Tactics
- Identify strategies for mitigating risks and reducing employee burnout. [OneIT Leaders.]
- Create a comprehensive plan to address remaining single points of knowledge. [OneIT Leaders.]
C. Implement career-development pipelines and training at the job family-level, for both individuals (including students) and teams, to include mechanisms for communicating and supporting growth opportunities beyond their current work roles.
Year 1 Tactics
- Develop a process to increase consistency across orgs for duties of various positions. [HR across orgs, Lance Bolton, and IT managers]
- Develop and share career paths with growth steps for employees. [HR across orgs, Lance Bolton, and IT managers]
- Review and re-energize SPARK program. [HR across orgs, Lance Bolton, and IT managers]
Year 2 Tactic
- Define and document trainings necessary for the various career paths. [HR across orgs, Lance Bolton, and IT managers]
3. Enhance OneIT practices to operate as a process-driven organization with a culture that values relationships and partnerships.
- Establish processes for technology acquisition decision-making that considers factors such as such as technology planning, integration, licensing, risk, data compliance and governance, and contract review. [OneIT Next Steps-1]
Year 1 Tactics
- Formalize the working group that is established. [Lance Bolton and working group]
- Identify short-term problems and remedies. [Lance Bolton and working group]
- Develop longer-term solutions. [Lance Bolton and working group]
B. Create and support a position to advocate for and coordinate distributed IT units in OneIT. [OneIT Next Steps-2]
C. Develop a OneIT IT Service Management (ITSM) Strategy and Roadmap by forming an ITSM team to develop a comprehensive roadmap/strategy for implementing an ITSM program across OneIT.
Year 1 Tactics
- Identify an IT service management group. [Tracy Scott, Brandon Mills]
- Coordinate plans with Cherwell migration. [Tracy Scott, Brandon Mills]
- Conduct a peer review and confirm ITIL as the framework. [Tracy Scott, Brandon Mills]
- Provide foundational ITIL training to select IT leaders. [Tracy Scott, Brandon Mills]
- Additional and more granular tactics will be identified by the team. [Tracy Scott, Brandon Mills]
Year 2 Tactic
- Provide ITSM training to broader community. [Tracy Scott, Brandon Mills]
4. Establish agile decision-making structures to ensure alignment with OneIT strategy that engages campus customers and partners.
- Review and optimize OneIT governance structures, processes, and intentions within the core, common, and unique IT service framework. [OneIT Next Steps 3 & 4]
Year 1 Tactics
- Review and document how governance currently works. [Katie Kahler, Mike Frangi]
- Expand joint project prioritization into OneIT governance process. [Katie Kahler]
- Evaluate whether a consultant is needed to help design a governance process. [Katie Kahler]
- Design and implement an enhanced governance structure and ensure that it adapts to core, common, and unique requests. [Katie Kahler]
Year 2 Tactic
- Optimize this in future years.
B. Develop governance models with HCIS for services the organizations share or are dependent on each other to provide. Also develop methods to assess those models.
Year 1 Tactics
- Present governance models to HCIS and OneIT joint LT. [Zach Furst]
- Define and identify OneIT/HCIS shared services. [HCIS/OneIT joint LT]
- Form a subgroup to focus on this, building on previous effort. [Zach Furst]
- Identify gaps in shared service governance for those services.
Year 2 Tactics
- Establish shared governance where there are gaps.
- Identify how governance of these shared services fits into forthcoming OneIT governance models.
C. Establish an executive committee for emerging applications of artificial intelligence across campus and provide recommendations for units, faculty, staff, and students.
Year 1 Tactic
- Continue to refine recommendations as AI evolves. [AI committees]
D. Establish a comprehensive technology planning process to align with the OneIT Strategic Plan and the expanded use of service and technology roadmaps to define and communicate the future direction of these efforts.
Year 1 Tactics
- Identify scope and objectives for future tech planning process, including whether a persistent team is necessary and how it ties into governance. [Zach Furst, Lance Bolton]
Year 2 Tactics
- Define a comprehensive technology planning process, including financial considerations.
- Define how roadmaps fit into the technology planning process.
- Create implementation strategy for projects from prioritization list, including resourcing, capacity planning, etc.
5. Improve infrastructure and service agility, efficiency, and organizational resiliency.
- Embrace and prioritize automation and explore opportunities related to artificial intelligence.
Year 1 Tactics
- Explore and define concrete examples of what we want to automate. [Ad-hoc group including EI, IAM, Michael Alberhasky].
- Articulate barriers to automation, such as inventory information in different places. [Ad-hoc group including EI, IAM, Michael Alberhasky].
- Examine skill sets across various groups to do automation projects. [Ad-hoc group including EI, IAM, Michael Alberhasky].
B. Invest in data and analysis capabilities for OneIT, including data for enabling data-driven decision making for operational purposes and enabling integrations.
Year 1 Tactics
- Define which IT decisions need to be made with data. [OneIT Ops Team]
- Identify what data helps to inform those decisions. [OneIT Ops Team]
- Identify gaps in data needed for the decisions. [OneIT Ops Team]
- Identify skill gaps and professional development needed to utilize the data. [OneIT Ops Team]
- Consider alignment with Data SPARC efforts.
- Evaluate tools used and look for opportunities to standardize and collaborate.
C. Develop service strategies and roadmaps in major service groups.
Year 1 Tactics
- Identify gaps in current technology/service strategies and roadmaps. [ITS Departmental Leaders, OneIT Ops Team]
- Draft brief service strategy documents and use them to help establish the process [Workgroup Leaders].
- Provide guidelines (templates and timing) and make accessible on the intranet. [Katie Kahler, Ops Team].

Implement comprehensive improvements to OneIT as a concept and as a culture to build the agility, capacity, capability, and structures required to support the institutional mission and enable reliable, agile, secure, and cost-effective technology infrastructure and services.