Accountable Leader:

Lance Bolton, Senior IT Director, OneIT Partnerships & Collaboration and ITS Research Services

How we'll accomplish our goal

Objectives and Strategies

1. Review and change processes to remove and mitigate burdens on research and other creative and scholarly work. 

  1. Standardize and centralize regulatory compliance and management infrastructure for IT related research compliance activities. [UI Strategic Plan: Innovative research and creative discovery, p. 7] 
Year 1 Tactics
  • Identify and outline compliances impacting research faculty at the UI. [Lance Bolton]
  • Identify areas of improvement/time consumption by PI’s and support staff involved in research. [Lance Bolton]
  • Identify stakeholders involved in supporting and managing these compliances. [Lance Bolton]

B. Improve and expand relationships and processes between IT, researchers, and administration to increase awareness, alignment, and feedback as processes and policies are developed or leveraged. [UI Strategic Plan: Innovative research and creative discovery, p. 7]

Year 2 Tactic
  • Engage stakeholders (OneIT Directors, research coordinators, PI’s) who support research technology adoption on campus and identify areas of collaboration between OneIT and those stakeholders. [Lance Bolton]

C. Increase awareness of OneIT services, tools, and policies which impact research and creative work on campus. [UI Plan Strategic Plan: Innovative research and creative discovery, p. 7] 

Year 1 Tactic
  • Identify commonly used OneIT tools on campus which support research/are leveraged by researchers in their work. [Lance Bolton]
Year 2 Tactic
  • ​​​​​​​Develop engagement plan with collegiate IT leaders and Research Deans to share available services and tools available to faculty. [Lance Bolton]

D. Identify areas of possible administrative burden impacting research productivity and work with stakeholders to lower or mitigate these burdens.

Year 1 Tactic
  • Work with OVPR units (RIS, DSP, HSO, etc.) to identify administrative tasks performed by PI’s. [Lance Bolton]
Year 2 Tactic
  • Develop strategy to deduplicate and streamline on-campus administrative tasks performed by researchers. [Lance Bolton]


2. Collaborate with OneIT and campus partners to advance research data governance initiatives. 

  1. Work with UI Data SPARC and OneIT data goals to ensure research data governance efforts are aligned.
Year 1 Tactic
  • Work with the CIO, CISO, and senior leadership in the Provost Office, OVPR, and Healthcare to define a charter to establish a top-level data governance committee to discuss and resolve data governance issues that span data domains. [DAI, CIO, CISO]

B. Leverage OneIT’s position in the research data stream to advocate for research and creative discovery with regards to institutional data and help researchers navigate the campus data landscape. [UI Strategic Plan: Innovative research and creative discovery, p. 7]

3. Develop and enhance services, processes, and support which enable the breadth of research on campus and accommodate emerging research and creative discovery on campus, including faculty, students, and staff involved in this work.

  1. Assess and develop a framework for support of specialized research needs not covered by existing services. [UI Strategic Plan: Innovative research and creative discovery, p. 7]
Year 1 Tactics
  • Engage with OneIT leaders to identify gaps in research support. [Lance Bolton]
  • Identify scope of effort for Specialized Research Support. [Lance Bolton]

B. Assess and develop roadmap to make the most efficient use of IT resources supporting research and creative discovery on campus. [UI Strategic Plan: Innovative research and creative discovery, p. 7]

Year 1 Tactic
  • Evaluate and potentially modify OneIT RS-Campus Engagement Team structure to ensure alignment with current research needs. [Lance Bolton]
Year 2 Tactic
  • Identify priority areas for research support. [Lance Bolton]

C. Ensure adequate OneIT training to prepare and support research and creative discovery on campus which leverage IT resources. [UI Strategic Plan: Innovative research and creative discovery, p. 7]

Year 1 Tactic
  • Review OneIT trainings available to researchers around IT tools on campus and identify gaps. [Lance Bolton]
Year 2 Tactic
  • Engage research community to identify gaps in training on OneIT tools/services to develop list of potential training areas/improvements. [Lance Bolton]

D. Innovate, create and support services and technologies that meet the evolving opportunities for the support of high-impact research and align with the rapidly changing compliance and data security requirements both external and internal to the institution so that research and creative work can remain competitive within the funding landscape and reduce and manage risk to the institution.

Year 1 Tactic
  • Work with OVPR and CIO office to form Research AI Task Force to evaluate AI potential on campus research opportunities. [Lance Bolton]
Year 2 Tactic
  • Identify potential gaps in central compliant research computing support from 1A. [Lance Bolton]

E. Ensure existing OneIT technology services aimed at supporting research and creative discovery are adequately resourced, accessible, and aligned with the needs of existing and emerging research. [UI Strategic Plan: Innovative research and creative discovery, p. 7]

Year 1 Tactic
  • Expand UI investment in High Performance Computing and Data Analytics with additional resourcing targeted at AI use in HPC/IDAS environment. [Lance Bolton]
Year 2 Tactic
  • Develop Research Computing Governance Structure as aligned with OneIT  Governance Review strategy. [Lance Bolton]


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OneIT will enable and accelerate research and interdisciplinary collaboration by providing a campus-wide framework that is responsive to the needs of the research community. 


OneIT Strategic Plan Goal and Tactics

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