We recommend reviewing the Overcoming Obstacles and Celebrating Success microunit and returning here to review notes for each section.

Identify roadblocks

For anonymous feedback from committee members on possible improvements to your process, you can consider using tools already available to you. For example, Office365 has tools for creating forms. Look for the "Forms" application after you log into https://office365.uiowa.edu and set the options for the form to allow anonymous responses. You can also consider using a Qualtrics survey (https://uiowa.qualtrics.com) or a Miro board using the parking lot matrix template (www.miro.com).

Offer assistance

For OneIT at University of Iowa, work with your HR liaison for the search. As our partners, they are ready and willing to work toward making the hiring process work for everyone.

Some relevant organizations at the UI:

Leverage strategies and metrics

Your HR liaison has access to data and dashboards related to recruitment and retention as well as the ability to advise you on market and internal salary considerations for hiring and in retention discussions. 

Highlight successes

OneIT has developed practices to help celebrate successes. These include the OneIT Thank You Program, Exceptional Performance and SPOT Awards, and nominating staff or teams for Improving Our Workplace Awards (IOWA). Each unit should also have a rewards and recognition plan in place. Check with your HR representative if you are uncertain of what is in your plan. 

Keep in mind that the best way to recognize someone for their success is how they want to be recognized. Get to know the folks around you and understand their preferences.

As you consider how to highlight successes outside of the institution, consider national or regional organizations through which you could share a success story.  Is there a conference that is specific to your specialization where you might be able to present?

Additional resources