We recommend reviewing the Inclusivity, Retention, and Belonging microlearning unit and returning here to review notes for each section.

Offer mentorship and professional development opportunities

OneIT has a program called SPARK (Sharing Perspectives and Realizing Knowledge), which offers opportunities for observations (short-term job shadowing) and at times immersions (long-term, project-based assignments) across teams. These SPARK opportunities are a component of professional development for members of OneIT. The SPARK Program is a great way to learn more about other units. Consider hosting a SPARK open house and/or advertising opportunities on the OneIT Intranet. Read more about SPARK.

Ensure objective, feasible pathways to promotion

At the University of Iowa, consider using the Job Classification Review function of Employee Self Service and its comparison view to show how a classification compares to the next higher position in the same job family. Pay special attention to the typical behaviors for the individual's current position and the next-level position. These might give you a way to point out to an individual what you would want them to focus on to be considered for a promotion or a pay adjustment.

OneIT follows guidelines set by university HR in terms of promotions. Please contact your HR representative for more information.

Additional resources

Resources are available for employees and supervisors from HR for career development planning. They include information about career promotions, career advancement, and how to use competencies in career development. For even more related resources for staff and supervisors, such as career advising, available courses for learning, and organizational and leadership development, visit HR's development site.

OneIT has a group responsible for bringing together conversation partners called "OneIT Belonging."  This group helps to connect people and can be reached at OneIT-Belonging@uiowa.edu

Hiring an employee happens once, but retaining an employee is something we have to work on every day. Review the resources available for engaging and retaining employees from university HR.

One resource on that site that might be useful is information about the practice of "stay interviews" on the training materials page.

Employees benefit from connecting with people they share identities and interests with.  Introduce employees to the IT communities list and the diversity communities list to help them connect with others.