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- Access, Opportunity, and Diversity Plan
- Goal 2: Recruit, retain, and advance a diverse campus community of faculty, staff, and students.
Goal 2: Recruit, retain, and advance a diverse campus community of faculty, staff, and students.
AOD Goal 2 Strategy A: We can meet our access, opportunity, and diversity collaboration goal if we embed AOD in all talent-acquisition practices and support departments in recruiting a diverse staff.
Critical Task 1: Diversify the workforce by defining, implementing, and communicating the use of inclusive hiring practices.
Tactics–Action Items
- Define and implement practices to ensure utilization of inclusive language in job postings.
- Ensure staff involved in recruitment and selection have unconscious bias training.
- Ensure equitable salary practices in recruitment.
Indicators of Success
- Establish baseline and increase in diversity of the workforce.
- Increased awareness and usage by OneIT units of inclusive hiring practices and techniques.
Critical Task 2: Cultivate hiring pipelines that encourage a diversity of applicants, with a specific focus on areas of IT with low or no diversity.
Tactics–Action Items
- Leverage existing programs, such as SPARK job shadowing/rotation, and develop new programs (e.g. mentoring) to ensure equitable-access career mobility.
- Encourage intentional recruiting into early career/student positions to enhance diversity and reinforce inclusivity practices.
- Enhance opportunities for student success by facilitating undergraduate employment of under-represented minority students; expand use of the Iowa GROW model, and integrate AOD-related content to strengthen supervisor skill sets.
Indicators of Success
- Diversity of participation in SPARK job shadowing/job rotation experiences.
- Units/staff/supervisors given opportunity to present methods and successes for mentoring and contributing to student success or developing student pipelines.
- Student-only career opportunities created within OneIT.
- Partner with Division of Student Life to utilize Student Employee Survey metrics.
AOD Goal 2 Strategy B: We can meet our access, opportunity, and diversity collaboration goal if we support and implement programs and devote resources to enhance retention of a diverse workforce and promote an inclusive culture.
Critical Task 1: Create a holistic view of retention that considers the entire employee experience, including belonging, and recognizing that retention is about more than just career opportunity.
Tactics–Action Items
- Embed access, opportunity, and diversity in all talent/HR practices and training materials (e.g. onboarding, leadership development).
- Ensure that consistent review of the Welcoming and Respectful Environment Universal Competency is applied during performance evaluations.
- Develop information, policies, practices, and systems that facilitate identity transitions in the workplace.
- Promote and sponsor external speakers/events that share broader perspectives on inclusion and identity.
Indicators of Success
- Improved Climate Survey results in areas related to retention and climate.
- Two events per year created or added to existing platforms (Tech Forum) to highlight and share broader perspectives of inclusion and identity.
- Improved attendance/reduced absenteeism.
Critical Task 2: Develop a culture of equity and inclusion as a critical component of retention of a diverse workforce.
Tactics–Action Items
- Encourage and recognize staff for developing skills and tools for improving culture by participating in AOD training.
- Develop and implement a stay-interview system to assist in evaluating culture.
- Ensure AOD is a considered part of all planning initiatives.
Indicators of Success
- Decreased number of staff reporting a negative view of AOD initiatives based on climate survey results.
- Percentage of staff participating in AOD training, initially based on BUILD courses.
Critical Task 3: Examine compensation of OneIT staff using identity-conscious metrics to ensure equitable processes and practices.
Tactics–Action Items
- Conduct a compensation equity review and develop remediation plans.
Indicators of Success
- 80% of pay gaps identified addressed within 2 years.
Critical Task 4: Charter an IT AOD committee with broad, rotating representation across identities and workgroups, and a liaison to the UI DAOD, to coordinate plan implementation and advise leadership.
Tactics–Action Items
- Develop the charge including goals, purview, and deliverables in collaboration with other campus diversity councils.
- Include the leadership of communities of underrepresented minority staff, allies, and other interested parties in deciding the makeup of the committee.
- Define task of this committee.
Indicators of Success
- Establishment of the committee and achievement of deliverables defined in the charge.
- Active, visible sponsorship from senior leadership.
Critical Task 5: Establish resource allocations that reflect the importance of AOD within OneIT.
Tactics–Action Items
- Develop roadmap to ensure timely execution of AOD strategic plan for OneIT.
Indicators of Success
- Estimation of resources, prioritization, roadmap, and resource allocations completed.
AOD Goal 2 Strategy C: We can meet our access, opportunity, and diversity collaboration goal if we support and implement programs and devote resources to ensure the advancement of a diverse workforce.
Critical Task 1: Develop programs that support intentionally equitable advancement for members of underrepresented groups.
Tactics–Action Items
- Develop mentorship programs that intentionally address professional development for targeted groups.
- Encourage and recognize mentor participation in programs.
- Adopt goals related to leadership advancement of targeted groups.
Indicators of Success
- Count of participants in mentorship programs (both mentors and mentees).
- Diversity of leadership (supervisors, directors, senior directors).
Critical Task 2: Develop programs that target early career professional development.
Tactics–Action Items
- Build communities of practice and support for early career professionals.
- Reward and recognize supervisors/staff/units that actively participate in early career mentoring opportunities.
- Provide opportunities for staff to shadow leaders in meetings to provide growth opportunities, improve succession plans, and improve transparency of decisions made.
Indicators of Success
- Establishment of communities.
- Mentor participation.